home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1992-04-20 | 16.8 KB | 611 lines | [TEXT/PJMM] |
- unit TCPConnections;
- { This program was written by Peter N Lewis, Mar 1992 in THINK Pascal 4.0.1 }
- interface
- uses
- TCPStuff;
- const { Tuning parameters }
- max_connections = 20;
- tooManyConnections = -23099;
- TO_FindAddress = 40 * 60;
- TO_FindName = 40 * 60;
- TO_ActiveOpen = 20 * 60;
- TO_Closing = 20 * 60;
- TO_PassiveOpen = longInt(10) * 365 * 24 * 3600 * 60; { Ten years should be safe enough right? :-) }
- const
- any_connection = 0; { Pass to GetConnectionEvent }
- no_connection = -1; { Guaranteed invalid connection }
- type
- connectionIndex = longInt;
- connectionEvent = (C_NoEvent, C_Found, C_SearchFailed, C_NameFound, C_NameSearchFailed,{}
- C_Established, C_FailedToOpen, C_Closing, C_Closed, C_CharsAvailable, C_HeartBeat);
- connectionEventRecord = record
- event: connectionEvent;
- connection: connectionIndex;
- tcpc: TCPConnectionPtr;
- dataptr: ptr;
- value: longInt;
- timedout: boolean;
- end;
- function InitConnections (hostFile: str255): OSErr;
- procedure CloseConnections;
- procedure TerminateConnections;
- function CanQuit: boolean;
- { After Terminate, keep calling GetConnectionEvent(any_connection,cer) until CanQuit is true, then Finish }
- procedure FinishConnections;
- procedure FinishEverything; { Or just call FinishEverything }
- function FindAddress (var cp: connectionIndex; hostName: str255; dataptr: univ ptr): OSErr;
- function FindName (var cp: connectionIndex; hostIP: longInt; dataptr: univ ptr): OSErr;
- procedure FindString (hostIP: longInt; var s: str255);
- function NewPassiveConnection (var cp: connectionIndex; buffersize: longInt; localport: integer; remotehost: longInt; remoteport: integer; dataptr: univ ptr): OSErr;
- function NewActiveConnection (var cp: connectionIndex; buffersize: longInt; remotehost: longInt; remoteport: integer; dataptr: univ ptr): OSErr;
- procedure CloseConnection (cp: connectionIndex);
- procedure AbortConnection (cp: connectionIndex); { Violently close connection }
- function GetConnectionEvent (cp: connectionIndex; var cer: connectionEventRecord): boolean;
- { Pass any_connection for any event, otherwise cp specifies the event }
- procedure SetDataPtr (cp: connectionIndex; dataptr: univ ptr);
- procedure GetDataPtr (cp: connectionIndex; var dataptr: univ ptr);
- procedure SetConnectionTimeout (cp: connectionIndex; timeout: longInt);
- procedure GetConnectionTimeout (cp: connectionIndex; var timeout: longInt);
- procedure GetConnectionTCPC (cp: connectionIndex; var tcpc: TCPConnectionPtr);
- procedure SetHeartBeat (cp: connectionIndex; n: longInt); { Send C_HeartBeat every n ticks, 0 disables heartbeat }
- implementation
- const
- TCPCMagic = 'TCPC';
- TCPCBadMagic = 'badc';
- type
- myHostInfo = record
- hi: hostInfo;
- done: signedByte;
- end;
- myHostInfoPtr = ^myHostInfo;
- statusType = (CS_None, CS_Searching, CS_NameSearching, CS_Opening, CS_Established, CS_Closing);
- connectionRecord = record
- magic: OSType;
- conmagic: longInt;
- tcpc: TCPConnectionPtr;
- status: statusType;
- cacheFaultReturnP: myHostInfoPtr;
- closedone: boolean;
- timeout: longInt;
- dataptr: ptr;
- heartbeat: longInt; { Time for next heartbeat }
- period: longInt; { Ticks per heartbeat }
- end;
- var
- connections: array[1..max_connections] of connectionRecord;
- connectionItem: connectionIndex;
- dnrptr: ptr;
- connectionmagic: longInt;
- function ValidConnection (var cp: connectionIndex): boolean;
- var
- ocp: longInt;
- vc: boolean;
- begin
- vc := false;
- ocp := cp;
- cp := cp mod (max_connections + 1);
- if cp > 0 then
- if connections[cp].magic = TCPCMagic then
- if connections[cp].conmagic = ocp then
- vc := true;
- if not vc then
- DebugStr('Invalid Connection');
- ValidConnection := vc;
- end;
- procedure SetDataPtr (cp: connectionIndex; dataptr: univ ptr);
- begin
- if ValidConnection(cp) then
- connections[cp].dataptr := dataptr;
- end;
- procedure GetDataPtr (cp: connectionIndex; var dataptr: univ ptr);
- begin
- if ValidConnection(cp) then
- dataptr := connections[cp].dataptr
- else
- dataptr := nil;
- end;
- procedure SetConnectionTimeout (cp: connectionIndex; timeout: longInt);
- begin
- if ValidConnection(cp) then
- connections[cp].timeout := timeout;
- end;
- procedure GetConnectionTimeout (cp: connectionIndex; var timeout: longInt);
- begin
- if ValidConnection(cp) then
- timeout := connections[cp].timeout
- else
- timeout := -1;
- end;
- procedure SetHeartBeat (cp: connectionIndex; n: longInt); { Send C_HeartBeat every n ticks }
- begin
- if ValidConnection(cp) then begin
- if (n < 1) or (n = maxLongInt) then begin
- connections[cp].period := maxLongInt;
- connections[cp].heartbeat := maxLongInt;
- end
- else begin
- connections[cp].period := n;
- connections[cp].heartbeat := TickCount + n;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure GetConnectionTCPC (cp: connectionIndex; var tcpc: TCPConnectionPtr);
- begin
- if ValidConnection(cp) then
- tcpc := connections[cp].tcpc
- else
- tcpc := nil;
- end;
- function MyTCPState (con: TCPConnectionPtr): TCPStateType;
- begin
- if con = nil then
- MyTCPState := T_Closed
- else
- MyTCPState := TCPState(con);
- end;
- {$S Init}
- function InitConnections (hostFile: str255): OSErr;
- var
- oe, ooe: OSErr;
- i: connectionIndex;
- begin
- for i := 1 to max_connections do
- connections[i].magic := TCPCBadMagic;
- connectionmagic := 0;
- connectionItem := 1;
- oe := TCPInit;
- if oe = noErr then begin
- oe := TCPOpenResolver(hostFile, dnrptr);
- if oe <> noErr then
- TCPFinish;
- end;
- InitConnections := oe;
- end;
- {$S Term}
- procedure TerminateConnections;
- var
- i: connectionIndex;
- oe: OSErr;
- begin
- for i := 1 to max_connections do
- with connections[i] do
- if magic = TCPCMagic then
- if (status = CS_Established) or (status = CS_Opening) or (status = CS_Closing) then
- if TCPState(tcpc) <> T_Closed then
- oe := TCPAbort(tcpc);
- end;
- {$S Term}
- procedure CloseConnections;
- var
- i: connectionIndex;
- oe: OSErr;
- begin
- for i := 1 to max_connections do
- with connections[i] do
- if magic = TCPCMagic then
- if (status = CS_Established) or (status = CS_Opening) or (status = CS_Closing) then
- if TCPState(tcpc) <> T_Closed then
- oe := TCPClose(tcpc, nil);
- end;
- {$S Term}
- function CanQuit: boolean;
- var
- i: connectionIndex;
- begin
- CanQuit := true;
- for i := 1 to max_connections do
- if connections[i].magic = TCPCMagic then
- CanQuit := false;
- end;
- {$S Term}
- procedure FinishConnections;
- begin
- TCPCloseResolver(dnrptr);
- TCPFinish;
- end;
- {$S Term}
- procedure FinishEverything;
- var
- cer: connectionEventRecord;
- dummy: boolean;
- er: eventrecord;
- oe: OSErr;
- begin
- TerminateConnections;
- while not CanQuit do begin
- if GetConnectionEvent(any_connection, cer) then begin
- dummy := WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, er, 0, nil);
- end
- else
- dummy := WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, er, 5, nil);
- end;
- FinishConnections;
- end;
- {$S}
- function CreateConnection (var cp: connectionIndex; dp: ptr): OSErr;
- begin
- connectionmagic := connectionmagic + max_connections + 1;
- cp := 1;
- while (connections[cp].magic = TCPCMagic) and (cp < max_connections) do
- cp := cp + 1;
- with connections[cp] do begin
- if magic = TCPCMagic then
- CreateConnection := tooManyConnections
- else begin
- magic := TCPCMagic;
- conmagic := cp + connectionmagic;
- closedone := false;
- tcpc := nil;
- status := CS_None;
- cacheFaultReturnP := nil;
- timeout := maxlongInt;
- dataptr := dp;
- period := maxLongInt;
- heartbeat := maxLongInt;
- CreateConnection := noErr;
- cp := cp + connectionmagic;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure DestroyConnection (var cp: connectionIndex);
- begin
- if not ValidConnection(cp) then
- DebugStr('Destroy Connection failed')
- else
- connections[cp].magic := TCPCBadMagic;
- cp := -1;
- end;
- function FindAddress (var cp: connectionIndex; hostName: str255; dataptr: univ ptr): OSErr;
- var
- oe: OSErr;
- cpi: connectionIndex;
- begin
- oe := CreateConnection(cp, dataptr);
- if oe = noErr then begin
- cpi := cp;
- if ValidConnection(cpi) then begin
- with connections[cpi] do begin
- cacheFaultReturnP := myHostInfoPtr(NewPtr(SizeOf(myHostInfo)));
- if cacheFaultReturnP = nil then
- oe := memFullErr
- else begin
- cacheFaultReturnP^.done := 0;
- oe := TCPStrToAddr(dnrptr, hostName, cacheFaultReturnP^.hi, cacheFaultReturnP^.done);
- if oe = cacheFault then begin
- timeout := TickCount + TO_FindAddress;
- oe := noErr;
- end
- else begin
- cacheFaultReturnP^.done := -1;
- cacheFaultReturnP^.hi.rtnCode := oe;
- end;
- status := CS_Searching;
- end;
- if oe <> noErr then begin
- if cacheFaultReturnP <> nil then
- DisposPtr(ptr(cacheFaultReturnP));
- DestroyConnection(cp);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- FindAddress := oe;
- end;
- procedure FindString (hostIP: longInt; var s: str255);
- begin
- TCPAddrToStr(dnrptr, hostIP, s);
- end;
- function FindName (var cp: connectionIndex; hostIP: longInt; dataptr: univ ptr): OSErr;
- var
- oe: OSErr;
- cpi: connectionIndex;
- begin
- oe := CreateConnection(cp, dataptr);
- if oe = noErr then begin
- cpi := cp;
- if ValidConnection(cpi) then begin
- with connections[cpi] do begin
- cacheFaultReturnP := myHostInfoPtr(NewPtr(SizeOf(myHostInfo)));
- if cacheFaultReturnP = nil then
- oe := memFullErr
- else begin
- cacheFaultReturnP^.done := 0;
- oe := TCPAddrToName(dnrptr, hostIP, cacheFaultReturnP^.hi, cacheFaultReturnP^.done);
- if oe = cacheFault then begin
- timeout := TickCount + TO_FindName;
- oe := noErr;
- end
- else begin
- cacheFaultReturnP^.done := -1;
- cacheFaultReturnP^.hi.rtnCode := oe;
- end;
- status := CS_NameSearching;
- end;
- if oe <> noErr then begin
- if cacheFaultReturnP <> nil then
- DisposPtr(ptr(cacheFaultReturnP));
- DestroyConnection(cp);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- FindName := oe;
- end;
- function NewPassiveConnection (var cp: connectionIndex; buffersize: longInt; localport: integer; remotehost: longInt; remoteport: integer; dataptr: univ ptr): OSErr;
- var
- oe: OSErr;
- cpi: connectionIndex;
- begin
- oe := CreateConnection(cp, dataptr);
- cpi := cp;
- if ValidConnection(cpi) then
- with connections[cpi] do begin
- oe := TCPPassiveOpen(tcpc, buffersize, localPort, remotehost, remoteport, nil);
- timeout := TickCount + TO_PassiveOpen;
- status := CS_Opening;
- if oe <> noErr then
- DestroyConnection(cp);
- end;
- NewPassiveConnection := oe;
- end;
- function NewActiveConnection (var cp: connectionIndex; buffersize: longInt; remotehost: longInt; remoteport: integer; dataptr: univ ptr): OSErr;
- var
- oe: OSErr;
- cpi: connectionIndex;
- begin
- oe := CreateConnection(cp, dataptr);
- cpi := cp;
- if ValidConnection(cpi) then
- with connections[cpi] do begin
- oe := TCPActiveOpen(tcpc, buffersize, 0, remotehost, remoteport, nil);
- timeout := TickCount + TO_ActiveOpen;
- status := CS_Opening;
- if oe <> noErr then
- DestroyConnection(cp);
- end;
- NewActiveConnection := oe;
- end;
- procedure CloseConnection (cp: connectionIndex);
- var
- oe: OSErr;
- begin
- if ValidConnection(cp) then
- with connections[cp] do begin
- if not closedone then begin
- if MyTCPState(tcpc) <> T_Closed then
- oe := TCPClose(tcpc, nil);
- closedone := true;
- end;
- status := CS_Closing;
- end;
- end;
- procedure AbortConnection (cp: connectionIndex);
- var
- oe: OSErr;
- begin
- if ValidConnection(cp) then
- with connections[cp] do begin
- if MyTCPState(tcpc) <> T_Closed then
- oe := TCPAbort(tcpc);
- status := CS_Closing;
- end;
- end;
- function GetConnectionEvent (cp: connectionIndex; var cer: connectionEventRecord): boolean;
- procedure HandleConnection (cp: connectionIndex);
- var
- oe: OSErr;
- dummysp: stringPtr;
- l: integer;
- rcp: connectionIndex;
- begin
- if (cp < 1) or (cp > max_connections) then
- DebugStr('GetConnectionEvent:Invalid Connection Index');
- if connections[cp].magic <> TCPCMagic then
- DebugStr('GetConnectionEvent:Bad TCPCMagic number');
- with connections[cp] do begin
- rcp := conmagic;
- cer.connection := rcp;
- cer.tcpc := tcpc;
- cer.dataptr := dataptr;
- cer.timedout := false;
- case status of
- CS_NameSearching:
- with cacheFaultReturnP^, hi do begin
- if done <> 0 then begin
- if rtnCode = noErr then begin
- cer.event := C_NameFound;
- SanitizeHostName(rtnHostName);
- stringHandle(cer.value) := NewString(rtnHostName);
- end
- else begin
- cer.event := C_NameSearchFailed;
- cer.value := rtnCode;
- end
- end
- else if TickCount > timeout then begin
- cer.event := C_NameSearchFailed;
- cer.value := 1;
- cer.timedout := true;
- end;
- if cer.event <> C_NoEvent then begin { Destroy the connection now }
- if done <> 0 then { If we timed out, then we'll just have to abandon this block. Oh well }
- DisposPtr(ptr(cacheFaultReturnP));
- cacheFaultReturnP := nil;
- DestroyConnection(rcp);
- end; {if}
- end; {with}
- CS_Searching:
- with cacheFaultReturnP^, hi do begin
- if rtnCode = noErr then begin
- cer.event := C_Found;
- cer.value := addrs[1];
- end
- else if done <> 0 then begin
- cer.event := C_SearchFailed;
- cer.value := rtnCode;
- end
- else if TickCount > timeout then begin
- cer.event := C_SearchFailed;
- cer.value := 1;
- cer.timedout := true;
- end;
- if cer.event <> C_NoEvent then begin { Destroy the connection now }
- if done <> 0 then { If we timed out, then we'll just have to abandon this block. Oh well }
- DisposPtr(ptr(cacheFaultReturnP));
- cacheFaultReturnP := nil;
- DestroyConnection(rcp);
- end; {if}
- end; {with}
- CS_Opening:
- case MyTCPState(tcpc) of
- T_WaitingForOpen, T_Opening, T_Listening:
- if TickCount > timeout then begin
- CloseConnection(rcp);
- cer.event := C_FailedToOpen;
- cer.timedout := true;
- end;
- T_Established: begin
- cer.event := C_Established;
- status := CS_Established;
- timeout := maxLongInt;
- end;
- T_PleaseClose, T_Closing: begin
- CloseConnection(rcp);
- cer.value := 1;
- cer.event := C_FailedToOpen;
- timeout := TickCount + TO_Closing;
- end;
- T_Closed: begin
- status := CS_Closing;
- cer.value := 2;
- cer.event := C_FailedToOpen;
- timeout := TickCount + TO_Closing;
- end;
- otherwise
- ;
- end; {case }
- CS_Established:
- case MyTCPState(tcpc) of
- T_WaitingForOpen, T_Opening, T_Listening:
- DebugStr('Strange State 1');
- T_Established: begin
- cer.value := TCPCharsAvailable(tcpc);
- if cer.value > 0 then
- cer.event := C_CharsAvailable;
- end;
- T_PleaseClose, T_Closing: begin
- cer.value := TCPCharsAvailable(tcpc);
- if cer.value > 0 then
- cer.event := C_CharsAvailable
- else begin
- { CloseConnection(rcp);}
- status := CS_Closing;
- cer.event := C_Closing;
- timeout := TickCount + TO_Closing;
- end;
- end;
- T_Closed: begin
- status := CS_Closing;
- cer.event := C_Closing;
- timeout := TickCount + TO_Closing;
- end;
- otherwise
- ;
- end;
- CS_Closing:
- case MyTCPState(tcpc) of
- T_WaitingForOpen, T_Opening, T_Listening:
- DebugStr('Strange State 2');
- T_PleaseClose, T_Closing, T_Established: begin
- cer.value := TCPCharsAvailable(tcpc);
- if cer.value > 0 then
- cer.event := C_CharsAvailable
- else if TickCount > timeout then begin
- cer.event := C_Closed;
- if tcpc <> nil then
- oe := TCPRelease(tcpc);
- cer.timedout := true;
- DestroyConnection(rcp);
- end;
- end;
- T_Closed: begin
- cer.event := C_Closed;
- if tcpc <> nil then
- oe := TCPRelease(tcpc);
- DestroyConnection(rcp);
- end;
- otherwise
- ;
- end;
- otherwise
- ;
- end;
- if (cer.event = C_NoEvent) & (TickCount > heartbeat) then begin
- cer.event := C_HeartBeat;
- heartbeat := TickCount + period;
- end;
- end;{with}
- end;{HandleConnection}
- var
- oci: connectionIndex;
- begin
- cer.event := C_NoEvent;
- if cp <> any_connection then begin
- if ValidConnection(cp) then
- HandleConnection(cp);
- end
- else begin
- oci := connectionItem;
- repeat
- if connections[connectionItem].magic = TCPCMagic then begin
- HandleConnection(connectionItem);
- if cer.event <> C_NoEvent then
- leave;
- end;{if}
- if connectionItem = max_connections then
- connectionItem := 1
- else
- connectionItem := connectionItem + 1;
- until oci = connectionItem;
- end;{if}
- GetConnectionEvent := cer.event <> C_NoEvent;
- end;{GetConnectionEvent}
- end.